The Azhari Madrasat Application Form

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Application for The Azhari Madrasat (TAM)
We will be accepting new students  (boys and girls aged 9-16) including Foundation and Year 1, In Shaa Allah.  Please let anyone know who may be interested in enrolling their children for a ‘trial week’ as there are still a few spaces left.

We are pleased to announce the TAM building will be open for in person as well as online TAM lessons using Google Meet as well as Google Classroom for student homework.

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* Indicates required question
Email *
Your email address
Child's Surname *
Your answer
Child's First Name *
Your answer
Child's Date of Birth *
Your answer
Gender *
Home Address *
Your answer
Post Code *
Your answer
Parents/Guardians of Pupil Relationship *
Parents/Guardians Surname *
Your answer
Parents/Guardians First Name *
Your answer
Address (if different from the above)
Your answer
Your answer
Mobile - we prefer to communicate by Telegram and/or WhatsApp where possible *
Your answer
Email address to be used for Online Learning - if different from the above.
Your answer
Emergency contact name *
Your answer
Emergency telephone number *
Your answer
Relationship to Pupil *
Your answer
Previous Madrasat attended (name and area) *
Your answer
When did the pupil last attend Madrasat and to what level (please give details) *
Your answer
Language(s) spoken at home
Your answer
The preferred method of payment is bank transfer as follows:  
The Open School for Arabic & Islamic Studies (OSAIS), Account:   41871188   Sort Code:  40-35-26.
We prefer a weekly automated payment be set up through your bank.

I understand the initial registration fee of £56.00 is due upon acceptance of my application and annually thereafter.

I understand the regular fee is £12.00 per child per week.

Please email for details of discounts that apply for sibling applicants.
Please email in confidence with issues relating to financial difficulties.
Declaration *
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